Mystics tell us that behind the veil of material appearances exists an infinite, unconditionally loving principle of benevolence, abundance and peace. Would you like to develop your own awareness of that? An awareness so vivid, so unwavering that you can no longer mistake the veil for the reality? An awareness so penetrating that the laws of Love, with their transforming, healing power, are admitted even into the darkest hell? This, and no less, is the aim of The Gentle Art of Blessing, described so eloquently by Pierre Pradervand.
‘To bless,’ says Pierre, ‘means to wish, unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart, unrestricted good for others and events. To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden from material eyes; it is to activate that law of attraction which, from the furthest reaches of the universe, will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy.’
You will find that The Gentle Art of Blessing is the perfect way to develop an awareness constantly centred in love. When you bless all those you meet in their total happiness and true integrity, without the slightest concern for their appearance, expression, race, class, gender, or any other label, when you wish them the very best from your innermost being, it will be impossible for your heart not to expand. From a narrow cubicle, it will become a temple without walls.
- “The Gentle Art of Blessing is my most gifted, noted and well read book. As much as I love to always have a copy with me, I inevitably find myself giving away those in my possession. This book is one of the most important works of spiritual and personal development in modern literature. The wisdom it contains is at once so deeply profound that gold can be found on every single page, and at the same time, the practice it describes is so simple to apply that absolutely anyone can do it. This book has the power to change lives, it has the power to shift one’s state – in an instant – from the depths of despair to heavenly delight, and unfold practical transformation in the lives of those who read it, practice it and are blessed by it.”
Elisa Tidswell, Personal and Business Coach to Visionary Entrepreneurs, Coaching Faculty at Mindvalley. February 2024 - “Pierre’s teachings are not just philosophical concepts; they are practical tools that anyone can incorporate into their daily lives. Whether it’s offering a kind word to a stranger, expressing gratitude for the little things, or silently blessing someone in need, these actions hold immense power in shaping a more compassionate world.
In a world often overshadowed by negativity and strife, his message stands out as a beacon of hope and positivity. His unwavering dedication to spreading kindness and gratitude serves as an inspiration for ordinary people seeking to make a difference in their communities and beyond”
– Dr. Lynda M. Ulrich, DMD: writer, artist, global traveler, citizen scientist, and founder of the Goodness Exchange, hostess of the Conspiracy of Goodness podcasts. - “There are no words to express the enjoyment and renewal that I received in reading this book. It belongs in everyone’s library.”
– Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD, author of Love is Letting Go of Fear - “This is a book I can highly recommend. It is a book of silent action. It is something we can all do, and do it all the time, when we remember. So often we have to be reminded, and this book can remind us.”
– Eileen Caddy, author of Opening Doors Within - “This is a simple, democratic, grassroots spiritual practice that gradually brings more love into the life of the person who practices it and into the world. The Gentle Art of Blessing is an antidote for resentments and an invitation to become a bigger soul.”
– Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, Jungian analyst and author of Goddesses in Everywoman and Urgent Message from Mother - “This book could revolutionize our world.
“So, what exactly is blessing? “By blessing, I mean wishing from the bottom of the heart, in total sincerity, the very best for those people—their complete fulfillment and complete happiness.” The key is, of course, total sincerity. Eventually, what starts as an act of will (especially if one is blessing those who have hurt one) becomes an act of the heart.
“Blessing, dear one, is a form of giving. Giving is a form of service. Service is what each life is ultimately about.
“As a spiritual alignment consultant, the question I am asked nearly daily usually begins, “Yes, but how can I practice … (whatever we have agreed is a good idea)?” Blessing is a universally effective spiritual practice. Bless yourself, your family, your friends, and strangers. It will accrue only to your well, … blessing.
“I am blessed to be able to recommend without reservation Pierre Pradervand’s The Gentle Art of Blessing. Practice blessing for 21 days. You’ll never stop.”
From The Blog, Huffington Post, November 17, 2011
Dr. Susan Corso - “One of my most favorite books. Years ago, with this book, Pierre ignited a loving power in me to bless! My life has changed, expanded into greater wholeness because I now love more than I dreamt possible. Talk about waking up! So richly blessed.”
Peggy Kober, Assistant manager, Cedar Valley Retreat Center and Director, Bridget Center. March 2024
* * * * * * * * * *
- A simple recipe for wholeness.
There is a simple test for the veracity of this book. Put it into practice. Giving thanks and blessings are simple expressions of Love that anyone can try.
Gerad, Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2024 - A powerful, life-changing book
It will change your life if you just bless everything and everyoneI am now able to forgive family members for their deeds. I am able to forgive myself my choices. I am able to bless everything and I change with each blessing. I bless you as you read this. Today I received my first blessing prayer from a great niece and nephew. An amazing happening for me who was raised in hellfire and brimstone in our home and church. GOD IS!
Life is Good , Reviewed October 20, 2023 - By blessing others you are actually blessing yourself
I might be sceptic for many things, but I am going to share a little story that happened to me today. I was listening to this book, and I stopped to explain to my mom what it means. Why the blessing is important, how it affects you and people around. 1 hour later, I had to say to her goodbye as she was getting out of the car, and she blessed me in our Albanian language: U gezofsh (joy upon you)! I smiled and looked at her, and she replied: I really meant it. It felt wonderful because it was genuine and thoughtful.
Lenaaa, Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2024 - Great read for anyone
an introduction to contemplation and a more spiritual life; allows you more peace - Wonderful Book
This book gave me a lot of positive insights about my attitude and behaviour. I’m sure I read it a few times and bought copies for good friends. .
Patricia Reviewed in Canada on May 23, 2024 - “I have two recent occurrences to report: My son was having intense and seemingly intractable trouble at work, entailing increasing anxiety and the threat of losing his job (he’s the breadwinner for a family of 6). I was giving him lots and lots of blessings for success at work, but it really seemed hopeless. Suddenly a few evenings ago he called to say that he had had a breakthru and realized what he needed to do differently at work, ie break a long-established counterproductive pattern. Last night he called about something else. When I asked how things were at work, he said Oh fine, they like me again. A board member for an organization I’m president of has for years been regularly critical and hostile. Naturally, she was no. 1 in my twice-daily blessings list, but with no change in sight. Suddenly this week, we had two meetings together where she was entirely or largely pleasant and positive. Then when she was leaving my house last night, from the sidewalk she casually called over her shoulder, Betty, I added some light to your walkway. I looked our and she had planted two beautiful solar lights on each side of the walkway!
Coincidence? I don’t think so.”
Betty Cherniak – March 2024 - “Pradervand is a wonderfully eloquent writer, and this book is transforming the world. I strongly recommend that you read it and practice its tenets. You will heal yourself and everyone you know and encounter.”
ionas_7 – on - “This is about a deceptively simple practice that can be very powerful. I have trouble with the concept of blessing people- I’m not sure how to do that or what that means- but I can wish them well and visualize them as patient, healthy, creative, happy, etc. – like seeing their divine nature through a difficult situation or negative manifestation. What has amazed me is to see how often I judge people or have negative thoughts about them and how by intentionally well wishing there is no room for that. It changes everything.”
Nancenwv – on - “I think everyone should read at least the beginning and ending of this book. It got a little intellectual in the middle. There were stories but, in my opinion, not enough. It covers every major religion and I learned quite a bit. I am blessing myself and those I have a negative feeling towards. I feel so much lighter.”
Patricia – on - “…I happened to find your book, The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment where you say that the purpose of incarnating is to evolve in Love. … Your books are changing my life. I am reading The Gentle Art of Blessing and working on blessing everybody. I am able to bless Trump and I have turned nuisance phone calls and drivers into a chance to bless. Thank you so much for your wonderful work. I have several copies of The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment and The Gentle Art of blessing and am sharing them with others,”
D.S. ~ December 2023 - “About 5 months ago I procured my first copy of ‘The Gentle Art of Blessing’. It has become one of the most meaningful books in my life. I take it with me wherever I go. …My vision is for a humanity of spiritual and material progress, and my mission is to wake people up to their true nature. Blessing certainly does that.”
Elisa Tidswell ~ October 2023 - “If I could recommend just ONE book to support your healing and spiritual growth, The Gentle Art of Blessing would be that book. The subtitle of this book is “A simple practice that will transform you and your world” and that has been my experience. This book is based on the author’s actual experience, it’s not just a theoretical hypothesis. “Blessing” is defined as ‘wishing, from the bottom of your heart, in total sincerity, the very best for people – their complete fulfillment and deepest happiness.’ When you become a channel of blessing, YOU will be healed at the same time. This is one of the most effective ways to become peace on earth.”
Rev Frances Fayden, Interfaith Minister and host of Magnify Your Miracles podcasts. - A book I keep buying for friends
This is such a beautiful and inspiring book to read that I keep buying it, only to give it away to one of my friends. It is such a simple idea, and beautifully written. Applying his ideas on blessing have made me more peaceful and loving, and it is such a quick way to feel positive again if I have been caught up in some challenging situations or feelings. Can’t recommend it enough.
Mark Thomson – 5.0 out of 5 stars – Amazon UK - “There are lots of books about the parables and teachings found in the Bible, many of which cite biblical text as the foundation of prayer and inspiration for healing. Few books ever include the messages found in other religious texts or spiritual works. Pierre Pradervand’s The Gentle Art of Blessing is one of the few that do.
“How The Gentle Art of Blessing shares the transforming power of blessing is the spirit of the book. The book seamlessly weaves together testimonials of blessing from the Bible, Hindu legends, literary greats, religious leaders, Sufi mystics, the scientific community, and the author’s personal journey. Each experience, expression, or idea builds on the truly global or universal nature of blessing.
“ … Pradervand encourages his readers to learn or renew how we bring blessing to our life and others. His message couldn’t be more clear or consistent: blessing is truly simple and transforming.
Casey Fedde - The Gentle Art of Blessing … changed my thought process. After reading it I just asked God to bless all the people.” Roger W. McGowen, Texas inmate
Sr. Peg Bishop, OSF Shares Her Experience
I have read The Gentle Art of Blessing three times and plan to nourish this way of life by continuing to read a page a day. It is a great attitude adjuster which notably changes my emotions and releases stress in my body. I see and feel in more expanded and loving ways each time I send out blessings or give them to myself.
I am Pastoral Care Director at University Place, a Senior Community with apartments, condos, assisted living and skilled care facility in West Lafayette, Indiana. We have a diverse community of all religions including atheist and those who are anti-religion. I believe that this book can appeal to all of them because people can more easily accept the concept of blessings. I plan to introduce it to our staff and residents during this coming year.
Our pastoral care staff has gathered to send blessings to people who are struggling and found it changes us as much as it does those we bless.–The-Gentle-Art-of-Blessing.html?soid=1102592782146&aid=zZrz8E2c_oE - “This is about a deceptively simple practice that can be very powerful. I have trouble with the concept of blessing people- I’m not sure how to do that or what that means- but I can wish them well and visualize them as patient, healthy, creative, happy, etc. – like seeing their divine nature through a difficult situation or negative manifestation. What has amazed me is to see how often I judge people or have negative thoughts about them and how by intentionally well-wishing there is no room for that. It changes everything.” Sept 26, 2013 - “Pradervand is a wonderfully eloquent writer, and this book is transforming the world. I strongly recommend that you read it and practice its tenets. You will heal yourself and everyone you know and encounter.” January 17, 2012 - “Pradervand shows that the practice of blessing has the power to create more than just a renewed perspective, it unleashes tangible benefits throughout your entire life — through your daily interactions, your life-long relationships, and in the way your approach your place in the world.” – Googlebooks
- “It (The Gentle Art of Blessing) got me thinking about how this can impact our health in a whole new way. I have, in many of my articles, explained how emotions are energy and how they can get trapped in our body, which is energy too. When we bless someone with joy or peace we are coming from a place of joy and wanting to see others happy too. It is only a natural outcome for us to feel good when we wish good on others, and the study showed this can bring health and happiness.
“…Today, I made a conscious effort to bless myself, my DNA and my body, and this was the start of my miracle day. Maybe we can take it further, by blessing not only others in our day-to-day lives, but to extend that even further, and bless the hungry in this world with food, and the poor with abundance and so on. What would the world look like if we all made this conscious choice?”
Charan Surdhar - After reading The Gentle Art of Blessing this reader started to practice blessing and continues to this day!
“I can tell you one thing – once you lay your feet on the pathway of blessing, forgiveness and gratitude, you would never like to see yourself on any other path. Your life will run smoother, gentler and more effortlessly in many ways.” Wioletta Giegiel - The Gentle Art of Blessing is an antidote for resentments and an invitation to become a bigger soul.
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD - The premise of this book distills a valuable message of many ancient and modern teachings. It gets to the marrow of what it means to be present, non-reactive, non-judgmental – to venture beyond our human conditioning, and walk the Earth as a creative force for good. No matter what our religious, non-religious, philosophical, or spiritual background, it’s easy to understand and relate to. Uplifting, liberating, inspiring!
Robin Gregory, February 2023
Reader comments –
- “I wanted to thank you for your work “The Gentle Art of Blessing.” I have read it three times from cover to cover and I share it with my family, friends, and clients. It helps me deal with road-rage. I cannot be angry with someone who is driving poorly while also blessing them from the deepest corner of my soul in their innocence, health, wealth, well- being, and family connections.”
D.O (comment via Facebook, October 2022) - “I found your book on my path in 2020 and my heart opened up after a few pages of reading. Since then the gentle art of blessing supports me in moments of happiness as well as in the most challenging ones and maintains in me the flame of a deep sense of gratitude in me. Especially to put it into practice helps me to feel useful to my neighbour, and that is simply wonderful.”
S.B.- 2022 - “A friend recommended I read The Gentle Art of Blessing. I’m now starting my blessings journey. It has already changed my life. Thank you.”
Carol, Florida - “Thank you for your fantastic book. I have read it repeatedly and given many copies away. Gradually I remember more and more to simply bless all and the feeling of love it generates is truly life-changing for me and those blessed. The best book I have ever owned.”
Fabian, New South Wales, Australia - “This book (The Gentle Art of Blessing) has been life changing for me! Thank you! I teach a class for people experiencing homelessness in Denver, Colorado and I have taught them about sending blessings. I just can’t begin to tell you the difference learning to send blessing has made in my life! The great thing about this book is the more people who read it and put it into practice the better and more loving place the world will be!”
Lynda Drake – Author, Bayaud Speakers’ Network Professional Speaker and Parent – Colorado - It is brilliant in its simplicity. A must read in this harried, technology driven, isolated world that we live in.
Alexandra, July 2018 - “The Gentle Art of Blessing and 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World have been a blessing to me and my family. They inspired me to write blessing poems to friends and acquaintances who are suffering with medical conditions, grieving, experiencing loss, celebrating milestones, or those I simply want to thank.”
Myrtle Russell - “I have almost finished reading your wonderful book “The Gentle Art of Blessing.” This book is a blessing to anyone who reads it. Whenever anything comes up in my life that I might need help with, I turn my thoughts to your words and find such peace and direction.”
Vanna Nightingale - “I send you blessings of deep appreciation for teaching me how to send blessings and that I have shared that with so many others! You have taught me how to focus on love in any situation! Your books changed my life! Love you!”
Lynda Drake - “The Gentle Art of Blessing: this could well be the best book I ever read!”
Carol Windham
your H body is trying to tell you something. Listen
It will heal itself. Befriend it.
It thirsts for water in its purest form. Drink it,
let its bounty roll the stones away.
Your body is the vehicle that makes it possible
for you to work, play and serve. Be grateful.
And may your gratitude list grow so long
that one day you wake up and proclaim
“I am well.”